On Thursday, July 18 2024, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Eastern, the Office of the Chief Component Procurement Officer’s (OCCPO) Industry Liaison Program (ILP) and FEMA’s Distribution Management Strategic Working Group (DMSWG) will host an Industry Day webinar for innovative solutions in the areas of: 1) Food & Hydration 2) Energy (Power & Fuel), and 3) Healthcare.
The DMSWG is seeking to identify innovative solutions to enhance their commodities inventory to support FEMA’s Response and Recovery capabilities in the event of a catastrophic disaster. The DMSWG will highlight their upcoming Request for Information (RFI) which will be posted on SAM.gov and inform on an upcoming Reverse Industry Day in 2025, in which vendors will be invited to showcase and demonstrate their innovative capabilities to a broad FEMA audience. Businesses with capabilities in the areas listed above are encouraged to attend this webinar and respond to the RFI to be posted on SAM.gov. Closed Captioning is available.
Kindly note this webinar is for industry exchange and participation does not imply preference for contract award.
Please see the attached flyer for registration instructions.